Making roads safer on the Lower Mainland

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is rehabilitating and improving highways and bridges throughout the Lower Mainland. The B.C. government will continue to invest in transportation infrastructure for the safe, reliable and efficient movement of people and goods. In the …

Winter Preparedness Plan Announced Today

The Province is investing $1.6 billion in a fall and winter preparedness plan to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This is a massive human resources operation which will strengthen both BC’s economy and healthcare system: We’re investing: ✅ $44.1 million …

Finance Committee Report Released Today

  The Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services released its report on the Budget 2021 consultation, making 124 recommendations in total: This year, we saw the highest level of participation in nearly 10 years with British Columbians …

Money Laundering Statement

Money laundering in BC is not a victimless crime. Dirty Money has increased housing prices and has helped to fuel the opioid crisis (our other public health emergency). I was very disappointed that the opposition refused to engage on this …

Thank You to Child Care Providers

Last week, I had the chance express my gratitude to all of the child care operators in our community for the miraculous work they have done to keep our children safe, especially in these incredibly demanding circumstances. I want to …