COVID-19 Update May 1st, 2020:
📊 There are 33 new cases of COVID-19 in BC. There are a total of 2,145 cases of COVID-19 in BC. There are 978 cases in the Fraser Health region.
💵 The online application for the tax-free one-time $1,000 BC Emergency Workers’ Benefit is now open: You must qualify for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) to apply. Phone applications open May 4th.
🔴 I am saddened to report that one more person has passed away in BC due to COVID-19. My thoughts go to their families and communities in this incredibly difficult time.
✅ 1,357 people who had tested positive for COVID-19 have fully recovered.
Today is National Physician’s Day. We owe physicians and healthcare workers an enormous debt of gratitude and support. Let’s honour and protect them by doing all that we can to keep the curve flat in BC – that means continuing social distancing, and staying home.
Be safe. Be well.
Joint Statement on Province of BC’s COVID-19 response, latest updates May 1, 2020.
For more information on Provincial government supports, please visit this link: