COVID-19 Update March 26, 2020

COVID-19 Update March 26, 2020:

πŸ“Š There are 66 new confirmed cases for a total of 725 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in British Columbia. There are 241 confirmed cases in the Fraser Health region.

❗ The BC government announced today significant new measures to help curb non-compliance with social distancing. Municipal bylaw officers are now empowered to give fines and other sanctions to those who are non-compliant. The re-sale or hoarding of medical and food supplies is banned.

βœ… The province has increased funding for the Better at Home program, a province-wide system that helps support seniors’ non-medical needs.

βœ… BC has expanded it’s 211 hotline, which can be reached from anywhere in BC. Live operators will manage calls for volunteers seeking to help seniors, and match these with seniors who may need support with particular tasks.

🏘 There is a moratorium on evictions, up to $500 of support for renter households for up to three months, and a freeze on rent increases.

As Dr. Henry said, every day that we stay apart (but stay connected) puts us a day closer to fully arresting this pandemic. We need πŸ’― percent compliance with social distancing. What we do today is helping to save lives tomorrow.

Stay home, stay safe, and stay well.


The Maple Ridge News – 66 new BC cases of COVID-19, up to 725 positive tests so far.

For more information on Provincial government supports, please visit this link:

For more information on today’s announcement regarding supports for seniors, please visit this link:

For more information on today’s announcement from the Minister of Public Safety and the Solicitor General Mike Farnworth please visit: