Early data shows we’re making good progress on renewing surgeries.
As Minister Dix mentioned, we know this has been an enormous sacrifice for those who had surgeries post-poned.
In May we launched an extensive plan to contact patients regarding their surgeries, focus on patients needing surgery most and who it is safest for, add new capacity, hire and train staff, and complete surgeries.
Yesterday the Minister gave an update on surgical renewal:
✅ 52% of the 17,742 whose surgery was postponed, and who have been called, had their surgeries completed by June 25, 2020.
✅ 33,723 surgeries have been completed from May 18 to June 25, 2020, representing 91% of last year’s volume.
✅ Recruitment efforts have also resulted in the hiring of 111 perioperative registered nurses, six perioperative licensed practical nurses, 60 post-anesthetic recovery registered nurses, 29 new anesthetists, and 35 medical device reprocessing technicians.
For more: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2020HLTH0228-001337